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Are you in need of some extra help with your schoolwork, and in particular your essays? Ask me!

You can email me any assignment that is troubling you, or is just too boring to start working on. Add your personal requirements and preferences to that and I will deliver a complete custom made paper to you within a week of order (and mutual agreement on the outline), which you can then adjust to your own likings before handing it in!

Of course it would be your choice to hand in my complete version without any personal alterations, there is nothing I can do to stop that. However, I do encourage you to take my work as a guideline and let it help you write your paper yourself.

Please take a look at what I have to offer and email me with any questions you might have!

P.s. you might find the prices I ask a bit too high. This is because they are based on the hours of work and effort I would put into my own work (University level). Please still email me, since I will alter the price for you if I can see it will take less work than on average.